Business Techs | Phishing and Spam Protection FAQ

The Cyber Security Team at Business Techs provides state of the art phishing and spam protection services to help keep organizations in Southern Idaho protected from global attackers.

What is INKY?

INKY is an email protection product that uses sophisticated machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze incoming messages for signs of phishing, spam, and other email-based threats.

Why am I seeing these banners at the top of my email?

The color-coded banners are inserted by INKY to alert you of any possible threats in your emails. The banners also display the email sender’s address and mark if an email is internal (from someone in your organization) or external. If you see these banners, it means your IT staff at Business Techs has deployed INKY and included you in the group of protected users.

What do the different banner colors mean?

A gray banner indicates that INKY did not find anything unusual or suspicious about the message. Even though the message was not classified as threatening, you should always check the displayed sender address and the source type to be sure it makes sense (e.g., an external webmail address for a message from a colleague may be cause for concern).

A yellow banner indicates that INKY found something unusual about the email message. It is not necessarily phishing or dangerous but something you should be aware of. For example, a request for sensitive personal information should be given extra scrutiny. Mail that seems out of the ordinary or is spammy in some way may receive a yellow banner.

A red banner indicates that INKY thinks the message is suspicious and likely to be phishing or dangerous in some other way. This includes brand impersonations (e.g., a fake “account alert” email from your IT department), blocked phishing URLs, or attempts to spoof mail to look like it came from an internal company account.

What should I do if I receive an email with a red banner? Why did I receive it if it's considered dangerous?

In most cases, you can simply delete the message and move on. In many cases, your Cyber Security Team at Business Techs will configure your mail server to quarantine or delete “red-flagged” mail before it reaches your mailbox. In other cases, the mail will still be delivered with the banner telling you to be careful.

What does the "Report This Email" link do? How do I provide feedback on INKY's analysis?

If you think INKY has made a wrong classification, or if you just want to confirm that INKY got it correct, click the “Report This Email” link found in the bottom right corner of each banner. This will take you to a web form where you can indicate that the message is truly Safe, Spam, or Phishing. You can also provide a comment describing your assessment. This feedback is used to automatically improve INKY's predictions in the future. Your submissions are also manually reviewed by your Cyber Security Team at Business Techs to improve the overall system and ensure INKY provides the most accurate security possible.

Why do I see an INKY Phish Fence page when I click a link in an email?

Part of INKY’s protection is the ability to perform real-time checks on any links you click. If this feature is enabled, clicking on links in a yellow or red banner email will take you to a page reiterating that INKY found the message to be unusual or suspicious. In some cases, a message that originally only had a gray banner contains a link that is later detected as a dangerous phishing URL. In that case, when you click the link, INKY’s real-time check will detect you clicked on a bad link, and you’ll be met with a blocker page alerting you of that fact.

What should I do if I have questions or comments about INKY?

Please contact your Cyber Security Team at Business Techs and we will be able to fine-tune your INKY policies and settings to help make things work as smoothly as possible.

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